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1552 Grand Ave, Ste B,
San Diego, CA. 92109
Even though San Diego has a climate most people in the US envy, we still experience extreme heat in the summer and unusually cold winter days. If you find yourself constantly looking at and adjusting the thermostat or being surprised by your monthly utility bill, it could be a sign that your thermostat is not working properly or at all. Emory Heating technicians will come to your home and assess the problem with your thermostat and either reprogram your system or replace your thermostat to operate when necessary to meet your comfort level.
When it comes to replacing your thermostat we have a variety of thermostats that have the latest most advanced technologies that will fit your every day needs. An Emory technician will not only advise you on what thermostat is best for you but will help you learn how to use your new thermostat.
As a returning or a new customer, we guarantee you will be happy with our professional representatives/ technicians from start to finish. Why be cold another day or night? Call today and speak with a representative about having your thermostat serviced or replaced today.
Contact San Diego’s leading thermostat specialist today, 1-855-MYEMORY.